Eat Your Wheaties! AKA Tracking is the Breakfast of Champions!

Tracking and reports. Boring! Right?

They will change your business. Exciting? Right!

For most of us tracking and reporting are things we often procrastinate about. Why do you think that is? We know it’s important; yet we avoid this task. Well, it’s simple...there’s nothing glamorous or fun about tracking. Who in their right mind wants to sit down and get excited about a report? Sigh...Groan...

We’d like to encourage you to change that way of thinking. It can truly be invigorating when you realize that tracking will get you where you want to go.

Well, money talks doesn't it? What if you tracked three key areas in your business with the intention of creating more cash flow? What could you do with that extra money? Go to Disney? Hire a key employee? Purchase a new office space? Maybe you want to save the extra money for a rainy day. Whatever it is...use your “why” as the driving force that will make you sit down and track finances, marketing and sales.

Reports, statistics and metrics are the straightest and best path to our growth goals. So, let’s shift our thinking about this. First thing to do is to truly understand that tracking and targeting are crucial. The question is why?

It’s simple, what you measure and pay attention to improves. Great business leaders are trackers. They know what is working and what is not. This applies to everything from sales and finances to performance and marketing campaigns.

Imagine the power in tracking so well that you were able to eliminate everything that is not working. Think about how your business would look as a streamlined and lean machine that utilizes only systems that you have been tracked and proven effective?

This is where tracking becomes incredibly powerful. Now take it to the next step and consider applying tracking to your marketing efforts. A quick and easy way to start using tracking immediately and on a small scale is to utilize your social media insights. What messages resonate with your fans and followers? What do they share? What do they talk about? What age group and gender pay attention to what you’re saying and what do they do with that information?

Tools like Social Mention can tell you how often your brand shows up and is mentioned. Think about this: would you be happy to track and find that your brand is mentioned in an average of 20 tweets per day? Sure, who wouldn't? But what if your competitor is being mentioned 1,000 times per day. Hmmm...this tracking shows that something isn't quite working. Tracking social media is just one way to highlight the power within the tools.

At Master Networks we track and target referrals within each chapter. In this way we can share and know the exact monetary return each member gains from their participation in their Master Networks team. For more information you can go to Master Networks. Have a great week and please share with us what is working for you.